lunedì 8 novembre 2010

Honey del Salento Lecce

Honey del Salento Lecce
Antonio Bruno *
Honey: the sweet gift of bees transparent del Salento Lecce at Christmas together the flour, working first with the wine and spirits and then fried, they make "purceddrhuzzi" and carteddrhate 'del Salento Lecce and sweets consumed in the days Christmas. In this paper the history of this liquid in Salento Lecce result of the work of bees and humans.

In Salento Lecce produce the honey, orange, amber color and intense aroma, honey, thyme, dark, penetrating aroma, strong taste (a powerful antiseptic used against infectious diseases, but also as a digestive) and then the wildflowers, so named because it occurs in spring and is obtained from the collection of many nectar and flowers, straw yellow color, a very sweet taste (used as a natural sweetener), then honey eucalyptus, dark color and flavor, ideal for the treatment of infections, the cough, and urinary tract.
Already honey! The sweetest gift of bees transparent del Salento Lecce at Christmas together the flour, working first with the wine and spirits and then fried, they make "purceddrhuzzi" and carteddrhate, sweet dear to all of us consumed in Lecce and Salento days of Christmas.
The honey in this area since the time of Messapi and in those days came from hives made of local stone which are still scattered in all our campaigns. It 's always the honey that gave its name to Melendugno Melissano and two towns of Salento Lecce in the second half of the seventeenth century, Jerome Mark describes, referring to his Melendugno: "This city is named for the honey that v' is produced and which is better than that of Attiki, Iblea and Mount Hymettus. It was celebrated by the old because the country is full of thyme, rosemary and other fragrant plants. Its symbol is represented by a "Pinus selvaticus" on his body that brings a honeycomb. "Professor Raffaele Monaco Professor of Entomology of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bari found that existed in the territory of more than 90 Melendugno Aparo.
Aparo? What is it? It is a kind of "hive villagers." In practice, it is a block of local stone that was dug inside. After that you closed one end of the block with a slab of local stone that had been drilled into pieces to allow the bees to come and go freely. The other end was closed with a slab instead of local stone that was used as a cap that is sealed with lime mixed with earth to prevent bees from each step that way.
When in Salento Lecce was collected from the 'apara "Honey, that in July, there were problems from insect bites and as was used to produce the smoke that had to remove the bees, with the end of a stick manure that you gave the fire, the smoke threatened to poison the poor beekeeper. The combs were placed in pots and then separated the house is part of the comb containing honey from the brood that contained what was called "puddhu", at which point the parts of the comb containing honey juice and there was the sweet liquid available!
In the territory of Otranto was an ancient beekeeping from the early 1500s that used this "old technology" by P. Morroi.
In Salento Lecce until 1800 there were less fertile areas where the Mediterranean empire with all the wild flowers that lived with an abundant availability of pollen for bees and in this territory in the mid-800 was imposed a modern beekeeping hives with movable-frame desired by men who made a banner and innovation in beekeeping among them were A. Castriota Scanderbeg Galatina, Rocco and Nicola Pasanisi of Galashiels, L. Colaci Melendugno and finally G. Balsamo, R. Bonerba of Lecce.
Between 1870 and 1880 in Salento Lecce there is a big debate on beekeeping by A. Castriota Scanderbeg, which began to spread the need for a greater number of queens in order to increase the number of swarms and for this reason suggested that bees stay in the new hives ch? possessed combs furniture.
In 1870, many beekeepers del Salento Lecce complained about the crisis in the production of honey that was caused by scarcity of plant pollen. In those years, agriculture in the Salento Lecce specializes on cultivation of vines, olives and tobacco that were not suitable for the production of pollen. It is also becoming an ever more land for cultivation removing them from the Mediterranean, which became less and less present in the territory.
We have to remember that on April 22, 2010 was approved on December 4, 2009 decree of the Ministry of Health, on "provisions for the national registry bee", established in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture. This ministerial decree that established the beekeeping industry for national register is a useful tool that farmers can access the Salento Lecce to draw the honey of this territory as we have seen that has ancient traditions. The honey of Salento Lecce has all the credentials to be on the tables the world to bring light and smells of this land that lies lazily in the Mediterranean in the homes of all.

* Agronomist

Minonne Francesco - Francesco Vigneri: Salento and the bees
Giulio Rosafio: The hives villagers - Beekeeping in Morciano di Leuca Puglia
Francesco Pace: "Honey Salento now more secure"
A. Castriota Scanderbeg: The superiority of the rational method of beekeeping, as compared to the old system
Mario De Lucia - Antonio Franco Mastrolia: Society and productive resources in Terra d'Otranto during the nineteenth century.

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