lunedì 13 dicembre 2010

The slaughter of the trees of life of Salento Lecce

The slaughter of the trees of life of Salento Lecce

Antonio Bruno *


At the end of the century in Salento Lecce, overcome the agrarian crisis of the years 1845-1846, 60 thousand hectares of trees were planted to vine, they are now less than 9 thousand. In the press conferences and more often there are statements that seek to overcome the crisis in the oil market with the "strategy of imitation of the wine sector." In this paper the reasons of groundlessness of the proposed solution.


There is a ghost who wanders in the rural countryside of Salento, Lecce! And 'the vineyard that produces wine! When talking about problems in the primary, when the critical decline of olives and olive oil production is a bit 'of time that proposals are made that we say "copy" what we have done in the cultivation of lives and therefore the production of wine.

Is it possible that my friend Mark Nassisi, owner of vineyards in the countryside of Melissa, has not noticed you have resolved the problem of viability of its agricultural land? Possible that this friend of mine, every year, to negotiate a price of 40 euro per ton of grapes, the grapes are being forced to sell online ads on sites with buying and selling?

Possible that the cellar where he is forced to give what does not sell directly, the liquid, after a long time, just over € 15 per quintal?

Yet the vineyards of my friend Mark are quality productions, but is young and it would also be willing to invest to achieve an excellent product.

The world of paradigms, models, derived from hearsay statements, conflicts with the true reality, and of the countryside of Salento, Lecce, "thirsting earth where the sun is made wine" as Dante wrote.

At the end of the century in Salento Lecce, overcome the agrarian crisis of the years 1845-1846, 60 thousand hectares of trees were planted to vine, because there was strong demand for blended wine of high alcohol content and intense color, to industry the northern regions, forced to remedy the crisis of French wine production due to phylloxera (Throne, 2003).

But the thing that should make us think it is since I gave the President of the Coldiretti of Lecce Pantaleo Dot Ing. I reported in my paper the data on the surface of vineyards in the Salento Lecce in 2005 which amounted to just over 13 thousand hectares. Eng. Dot showed me that in 2010 this area has fallen to less than 9 thousand hectares, just over half of these damage products characterized by a good income and the remaining half is not a satisfactory income. But the most expressive of the vineyard is the killing of Salento Lecce in a little over the past 30 years by 60 thousand hectares to less than 9 thousand ha! And if we think that the farming of the vineyard in Salento Lecce was the tree that can live to 10 thousand plants per hectare has increased from 600 million to less than 90 million trees! They were killed for more than 550 million trees of life!

But back to what we hear at conferences, to overcome the crisis in the oil market has repeatedly invoked the "strategy of imitation of the wine sector." In Salento Lecce have 85 thousand hectares of olive trees and 9 million, and then if we were to listen to these proposed solutions that we suggest to mimic what we did for the wine after the killing of trees has only 15% of the plants Once upon a time we should move from the current 85 thousand to 12 thousand hectares of trees and thus reduce 8 million olive trees to preserve a little more than a million. E 'proposition? What would the consequences be?

But you I might point out that even if we made the logging of 550 million saplings of lives we have not been damaged! Is not so! I can say that there have been serious damage to the balance of the environment! The destruction of vineyards destroyed in every way quell'habitat accelerating erosion of the soil. In addition, the environment has remained free of the beneficial effects of those trees of life that were critical to the carbon cycle, air from rehabilitating the 'carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

What must we do to prevent it happening the same thing at a forest of olive trees in the Salento Lecce?

To understand this we must consider the forest of olive trees in the Salento Lecce as an ecosystem property of 60 thousand people and their families. We must make sure that the rulers of the Puglia Region and all of us 800 thousand inhabitants of the Province of Lecce begin to give proper recognition to the custody of 60 thousand olive trees of the forest ecosystem Salento Lecce.

This is to introduce PES (payments for ecosystem service) which means putting in place the mechanisms leading to the recognition, even economically, the contribution of 60 thousand guardians who look after the Forest Service ecosystem of Olives from Salento Lecce make it available to other .

It is a concrete fallout, already practiced in different parts of the world that demonstrates how you can ensure that these issues do not remain theoretical discourse, but become concrete applications in the principle of equity that is central foundation of the concept of sustainability.

The identification of a methodology for action at local level to the ecosystem approach that I propose for Salento, Lecce, which is based on general guidelines identified at the international level, it meets one of the main assumptions of sustainable development: "Think globally, act locally" .

* Agronomist


Alessandra Miccoli, Salento oil and wine

David Corvaglia, History of Apulian wine

LAURA PAOLA PADOVANI-Carrabba - FRANCESCO MAURO, The ecosystem approach: an innovative proposal for the management of biodiversity and land

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