sabato 18 dicembre 2010

Exercising the profession of the Agronomist and Doctor of Forestry

Exercising the profession of the Agronomist and Doctor of Forestry

Antonio Bruno *


Saturday, December 18, 2010 Theatre in the former boarding school in Lecce Palmieri "experience in comparison: an enrichment for professionals and society."

In this note the suggestions recorded by one of the organizers.


The place is the beautiful setting of the theater of the former boarding school in Lecce Palmieri, the day is December 18, 2010 at 10:00 and the time when one after the other 12 agronomists and forestry tell a doctor all their work, their professional experience.

There were gentlemen and there were these young people in particular of the Istituto Tecnico Agrario di Lecce "John Presta" along with a representation of the fifth class of dell'Agrario sweaters.

I thought I this "Year of Friendship between professionals" and I proposed to the Council of the Order of Lecce, who gave me carte blanche, especially thank you for the trust to the President of the College Louis Maglie. I enjoyed the collaboration of the College Horace Mason, Rory's friend, the one who suffered and shared with me the difficulties of organizing everything from booking the room. But his colleague Luigi Branca said Gino did a great job, it was he who contacted the Itas "John Presta" where he brought the posters and invitations. Finally it was my colleague Diego Santoro has done is to advertising in the city of Lecce in the filming of the event with my digital camera.

Four colleagues who have "got 'a bit of their free time to the profession, its dissemination and good of the territory. Because it became clear to everyone now that the commitment of Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry of the Province of Lecce, is completely turned to the good of the territory of Salento in Lecce. But the biggest award to be given especially to the thirteen colleagues who have agreed to "give" their skills at all, putting them available to the community, with a generosity and a spirit of service really exciting!

After the 13 reports there was a debate which saw enthusiastic participation of the public. We stayed nailed up to about 13 hours, at which time the works were closed and I could "take home many happy smiles on faces full of hope and awareness of the strength and centrality of our profession in Salento Lecce. Young people have given me great satisfaction to follow all the work, standing up to applaud the report by Mr Vincent Mello and the intervention of his colleague Angelo Martino, in these circumstances the applause of the young people present have taken all the features of "support stadium. "

My colleague Salvatore Cavallo was detained after the end of the work to help me collect the wires and equipment for filming TV, told me today that for him there was the wonder of discovery. What discovery? That of the existing skills within our professional association. Many specialists are valuable when, during the events related to the profession, should have need of different skills from those that each of us possesses. This is a very important aspect, what we all wave the flag in speeches to the four winds, the "network" to relate that to address and solve the problems of Salento, Lecce, which are those of our environment as we all now that we have acquired is 99 % rural landscape. The "network" was one of the results we brought home all of us on this memorable day, as all are eventually Approach, at the table of the presidency, said they were happy, they are aware that what they have done for! Then the professors of the Agricultural Technical ask me to devote a session of the next year students, professional experience that will mature over the next year 2011. I told him we do! Next year we will establish a bonus, we will involve students and parents of these young people who care about the environment and land management.

Already next year! the final of next year. There is so much to do, there is a forest of olive trees that are suffering, there is the desolation of abandonment of the rich and productive land of Salento, Lecce, we are to preserve and protect agricultural plant varieties and animal breeds Domestic Salento Lecce, there is a misuse of the land, the loss of agricultural land, desertification, saline intrusion nell'acquifero Karst. Then there are the market problems linked to oil, wine and niche products. What shall we say next year? What will be the contribution of the Doctors Agronomist and Doctors Forest?

This year all the speakers stated that they leave us their report to publish the proceedings of the conference, we'll make a DVD, we will give in exchange for a fee of 10 Euro, because then we have the financial resources to be used for our next steps, the first of which is obvious on the oil, the use of this product in the forest of olive trees in the Salento Lecce. For the DVD of the proceedings of the conference is enough to apply the order with an e mail to or by phone at 0832 346996, or by going to the Order's headquarters in Via Captain Ritucci No. 41 in Lecce.

See you next year, with a friend more: the people of Salento Lecce!

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