giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

The oil from Salento Gallipoli Lecce to light, weaving and making soap

The oil from Salento Gallipoli Lecce to light, weaving and making soap

Antonio Bruno *


Writes Agronomist Attilio Biasco: "Gallipoli, although he had not a port, but a sparse insecure, protected only by a rock as the port of Gallipoli was built after the 1840 implementation of Royal Decree 24 July 1830, became an important center of shipment of oil that poured into the city not only from the Terra d'Otranto, but also from the southern part of the neighboring land of Bari.


Oil price and the cost of a working day

In Salento Lecce almost all the oil produced was used for lighting, for textiles and wool, and like all fats, animal or plant, treated with alkaline soaps become, even for those of olive oil happens likewise, only soaps made from olive oil are the best.

The remaining oil for food product had significant economic value, so that a quart of oil in 1914 cost 1.50 Pounds which was also the price of a day laborer.

Olive oil and the alternation of production and work on alternate years in mills

Exports of Salento Lecce consisted almost exclusively from olive oil which employed over the years in office. The consistency of labor was 8 thousand mill workers who worked from October to April, May.

The years in which the production was poor who say they are discharged, they were years of great misery for all, years of hunger, as evidenced by the well-known proverb:

"Petra Quannu the nu ggira Marmur, all the people fell vae capu"

The translation of this proverb in Leccese dialect is that when the stone turns and refers to mills that wheels are turning stone granite crushing olives, all the people walking with their heads bowed his head down like that when she cries.

The road network of Salento Lecce in 1600 and 1700

Salento Lecce had a road system that allowed the passage of horse-drawn carriages for the exchange of goods.

This difficulty favored shipping and Gallipoli became, even before he had a real port because the port of Gallipoli was built after the 1840 running of the Royal Decree of 24 July 1830, the point at which all the oil is concentrated in the province of Salento , and a true European market for oil business that was deposited in capable tanks dug into the tufa rock.

From these, as requested, was taken daily and shipped abroad, partly to Naples and Venice, partly prompted by the mills and dyeing all the way from England or Russia, for use votive, because in churches and houses, rich or poor, were burning day and night, in front of the icons.

The demand for Russian oil markets Gallipoli

The request by the Russian merchants was Gallipoli oil, light yellow clear. This preference of the Russians was determined by the fact that in 800 the province of Terra d'Otranto was among the few which sell pure olive oil and that "fanaticism Russian could not betray her with holy oil lamps not pure."

At Gallipoli the zone "fair Canneto

People have always met to exchange goods and to make the trading day. A Gallipoli during the years of 600, 700 and 800 throughout the olive oil was all of Europe and to adjust the trading day was held in Gallipoli an annual fair, the so-called Fair Canneto, the fair will be held each year from 2 to 'July 8. In this show from the early half of the '700 '800, occurred the trading of oil and other imported goods and all goods during the fair, were not subjected to any form of taxes. Today in Gallipoli is still held that the fair has become a "Reenactment of the old fence Canneto fair", which is the display and sale of typical products in the same place but the square outside the church Canneto aligned with the test bench on the side of the pier and artistically furnished with bright streetlights.

The Gallipoli oil prices on the stock of Naples

The listing on the Stock Exchange Daily Gallipoli oil gushed Naples is the entity of the existing stock in Gallipoli, and the purchases that occurred each day from the deposit to clear, both from fluctuations in oil prices from other markets.

A century ago, our oil production, so abundant, on average 85 000 tons annually, only feared the competition of cotton seed oil, the only undermining the secular business relationships with Gallipoli England and Russia. Strange fate to be just Gallipoli competition from cotton producing her own in 1200 courtesy of Frederick II of Swabia.

The merchants of Europe and the Mediterranean at Gallipoli

Many Italian and foreign merchants (mainly French and English) went into the Ionian city, they bought oil from the olives or the manufacturer, and shall sell it.

Gallipoli was so important in this business who had right of control over the market price and housed until 1923 the Vice Consulate of many European nations: Austria, Denmark, France, England, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), the Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Russia , Spain, Sweden and Norway.

The flourishing export oil to many European nations are procured, conversely, the arrival of goods valued at Gallipoli and heterogeneous: Articles of America, manufacturers of England, France and Germany, salted and dried fish, timber Venice Trieste and Fiume, drapes, sandwiches, scrap iron, wax, glass, crystal, foreign wines, cuoja, cheese, butter, dry cleaners.

* Agronomist (expert in urban and regional diagnostic entitled International University Master's Degree in Diagnostic IMD Urban and Regional Urban and Territorial Diagnostics).


Attilio Biasco, Olive Salento through the ages - Rome: Tip. farmers, 1937. - 16 p. : Ill. , 28 cm.

Tommaso Fiore, A population of ants

Domenico De Rossi, An Economic History of Salento: wine grapes and olive oil left from Gallipoli to distant destinations

Trigilia Giuseppe Gaetano, is like asking why choose the grapes to make wine!

Antonella MARGARET, Gallipoli celebrates Our Lady of the reeds.

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