lunedì 10 gennaio 2011

A proposal to save the Palme Salento Lecce

A proposal to save the Palme Salento Lecce

Antonio Bruno *

Pliny tells that Tacapo, near Tripoli, shadow each other thriving palm, olive, fig, pomegranate, vine, while below the soil produces grain, Ortaglio and more.

Prof. Fernando Wallis notes that if the palm is put in place the almond Pliny's description would appear to affect the orchards (Ciardini) located near Lecce. Even this record leads us to consider the fact that in 1902 the prize was not present in our territory and it was introduced only later after Italy took part in the season with colonial Somalia, Ethiopia, Ethiopia and Libya.

The same professor. Valais taunts by saying that the account he had written was not made to "slip" into a discussion of colonial expansion which apparently was being discussed in those years.

However since then in a century, the Palma has been chosen and we can all see the massive presence of specimens of Palms in private and public gardens of Salento in Lecce.

Goethe poet, writer, painter, gardener, and was primarily a scientist suggests a hypothesis among many possible stories, why you feel the need to put the Palm in the gardens. Goethe says there are three women, a virgin goddess, a queen of Babylon and a virgin mother of God, according to its traditions, have lived the most important episode in their lives in a garden next to a palm tree. The choice of a palm tree as a reference, it is inevitable because it is linked to the study of Goethe as a symbol of the soul, at least according to Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), and soul, you know, one can not help but !

The Greeks associated the Palm but the Phoenicians, the Romans translated the name of Palma, which links Phoenix with Phoenix because it was believed the plant to a plant as auto regenerative 's mythical bird that was reborn from its ashes. Linked to this false scientific belief is the fact handed down by Pliny the life cycle of the plant according to Pliny the tree reproduces itself miraculously by following the cycle of the phoenix 1461 years.

John D'Agata, founder of the "Door of Rights has recommended a national emergency" Red Palm Weevil "and the economic risks that this small, but worthy threat insect would have resulted in our country if he continued not to intervene in the Territory with massive campaigns to eradicate the beetle.

The President of the Fourth Standing Committee of the Puglia Region, the Regional Council Gianfreda Aurelio (Tourism, Hotel Industry, Trade, Industry, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Aquaculture), has tabled a question to evaluate the agriculture Alderman 'opportunities for urgent action in order to put a stop to the phenomenon that almost certainly will lead to social costs of major magnitude if not stopped in time.

Then there are the data that are conducting the investigation, Dr. Antonio and Dr. Sara Pizzileo NUTRICATOi CODILE colleagues in the Consortium of Defence of the Province of Lecce illustrated technical meeting held in the City of Cape Acquarica last December 9 Agronomist 2010 by my colleague Sara nurse.

For Acquarica Cape there was a monitor that covered the palm trees are visible from the street and those that were subject of a report by Citizens for a total of 223 trees of which 94% and 6% Phoenix canariensis Phoenix dactylifera.

These palm trees with aquariums for 94.88% of the head are no symptoms of the presence of red punch, while 2.38% have a punch attack to the initial state, the 2.06% of the palm trees are already dead and ready- 0.68% have been made safe or covered so as not to appear to flicker in adults and none of them had a regrowth.

In short punch to the head of Acquarica red is causing an infestation in its initial state.

My colleague Sara Agronomist nurse has continued providing the data in neighboring palms affected with Aquarius. A Ruffano the CODILE found 17.87% of the affected palms, mirror the 13.34% in Preston on 11, 01% and finally 20.2% in Tauranga.

Aquarius is surrounded by the red weevil infestation that even if the act is in its initial state.

At the beginning of this note I have set out the various symptoms that detect the presence dl red snout, my colleague Sara Nutricato said that there is not always the "notice" by the symptoms, but increasingly we are seeing palm trees affected, whether are 30 cm high as 20 meters, which show only the umbrella stage, perhaps after a windy day!

Always connects Nutricato reported that the infestation is evolving rapidly and that the data sno similar in all 97 municipalities of the Province of Lecce.

Why not follow the suggestion of the President of the Council Committee of the Puglia Region IV? Eng. Gianfreda Aurelio stated: "The rich international scientific and technical literature convinces us on the palms dell'endothérapie effectiveness as products successfully injected perfectly and completely reach target tissues at concentrations lethal to the parasites."

The problem is very sensitive, I am always receiving requests for assistance. Last in order of time the other day I wrote the journalist's Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno Antonio De Matteis to ask for advice Casarano and last night he called me the Secretary General of the CISL Piero Stefanizzi asking me why the Reclamation Consortium "and Ugento Li Fogg "had not been activated yet for the expert advice and assistance. I'm considering whether to propose to the Consortium to undertake this technical assistance to owners of 220 thousand associated with a piece of the rural landscape of Salento in Lecce that 99% of cases are the owners of a palm tree. You who read me what you think about this proposal? Write if you agree that the Consortium of Reclamation "Ugento LI Fogg and" take care of the problem of health at the Palms in Salento Lecce centrostudi.agronomi @

* Agronomist (expert in urban and regional diagnostic entitled International University Master's Degree in Diagnostic IMD Urban and Regional Urban and Territorial Diagnostics).


Ferdinand Valais, Agriculture Salento 1902

Alessandra plump, Palma: depictions in ancient art

Bruno Philip Lapadula.Il garden of Goethe was female?

Aurelio Gianfreda, Alderman question on the issue of agricultural pest of palms Rhynchophorus ferrugineus better known as the "Red Palm Weevil"

Sara and Antonio Nutricato Pizzileo, Emergency Red Palm Weevil in the palm-Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 17:00 in the Conference Hall of the medieval castle of Cape Acquarica

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