domenica 2 gennaio 2011

The meter of the clouds to see how many there are in heaven del Salento Lecce

The meter of the clouds to see how many there are in heaven del Salento Lecce

Antonio Bruno *


The global radiation, which is defined as the sum of the radiation coming directly from the sun and the diffuse atmosphere, provides the energy needed to carry out many biological processes. The clouds represent the main obstacle to such radiation, which is why it is necessary to know the average percentage of cloud cover. Hence the need for a reliable estimate as possible of this magnitude. In this note there is a description of the construction of a valuable tool, the Metro clouds, which can also be built "DIY", through which you can constantly monitor the cloud cover, so as to monitor trends and shifts clouds.


Your body to make you walk, run, talk and love, it needs energy. Your car to start the engine then you will move at speeds that will hopefully be within the limits permitted by the rules of the road, it needs energy. Plants also need energy to live as we were taught the Magister in the distant, but important experience of primary schools. And who is that energy? But the sun, and who else? But there's always a but, and if there is something between heaven and earth? What is it? Or is it that we are across the face of the earth and night, and there is the eclipse of the moon or there, or there are clouds! The clouds, when we are preventing the sun's rays to get to the surface of the ground. In short, there is a change in the energy available to the plants on the surface used in the processes of exchange.

But the increase in the percentage of cloud cover change in the soil water balance because there is an increase of steam flow that alters the water balance, increasing the vulnerability of ecosystems, fires and the need for watering crops.

Also we know that the increase in cloud bodies determines the increase in storms. That's why it's important to know the cloud cover, which is the percentage of cloud cover in your urban garden, or your piece of rural landscape of Salento in Lecce.

My writing is also addressed to my fellow agronomists and doctors who follow the forestry companies of farmers who are professional or consultancy to various Hobby Farmer. I remember in Salento Lecce more than 300 thousand people involved in green terraces, gardens or small urban gardens as it was revealed in a poll published in the magazine Focus.

To measure the percentage of cloud cover in your garden or if you are a Doctor of the Earth, in the garden of your client, you must give your customers a powerful measurement tool called "METRO OF THE CLOUDS." I know, you have no money, you do not want you to go to a store of scientific instruments even though, when some of your departing your family doctor ordered the blood pressure, you are now underway in the pharmacy to buy equipment measurement.

My dear fellow doctor of the Earth, you can not offer your customer the purchase of tools, but you can propose to make the measurement with a meter of the clouds that can build itself!

If you follow my directions you'll see that it will be easy to build this tool that will allow you to detect the percentage of daily cloud cover in your piece of rural landscapes.

The first thing you do after you have built and tested, and then compare the data you get from this meter the clouds "do it yourself" with the measurements for a professional.

To build the meter of the clouds you must first get a box of corrugated cardboard. If you live near a supermarket you can find the cardboard box next to containers of municipal solid waste. Obtained the cardboard box you have to do that with a marker draw a square of 40 cm to 40 cm, then with a sharp knife, cut with your knife along the line you drew and you get a square piece of cardboard 40 cm x 40.

At this point, with the same pen, you draw inside this cardboard square, another square of 20 cm to 20 cm. You're holding a carton of 40 x 40 cm that has drawn in a square 20 x 20 cm. Get back the knife and cut along the lines drawn first and then, after having done so, take that square 20 x 20 cm. That's right! You have received a square of corrugated cardboard frame 40 x 40 cm wide winch that has ten centimeters.

Then take a nail and make holes in the frame at regular intervals of 2 cm, you'll practice in 20 holes on each side of the frame.

Get a bag of rubber bands, the kind that are used in the office, got one at a time and cut it in half and then insert one end of the elastic in one of the holes and stop it with a knot to keep it off, do the same hole on the opposite side of the frame. When you are finished to tie the rubber bands at all holes will get a grid of elastic bands, just like the one you use to make the roast with your barbecue.

I confess that I feel so Muciaccia John, that boy of Art Attak that teaches young viewers to build a wide variety of items!

In short, the clouds of your meter is nice and ready and now you need to know how to use it.

The thing is really simple, you pick up this grid made of many squares of 2 cm wide rubber band attached to a frame of corrugated cardboard 10 cm wide and point to the sky!

At this point you just have to count how many squares are occupied by the clouds, you'll get a number that corresponds to the percentage of cloud cover in the area of sky framed by the clouds of your meter.

For example, if you counted 20 squares, the percentage of cloud cover in the area of sky framed by the clouds of your meters will be 20%.

To get a more reliable figure is good move by 10 cm and repeat the count of how many squares are occupied by the clouds making it twice. At this point there are three data, or three numbers. For example, the first count of squares occupied by the clouds is 20, the second 30 and third 40, you just do the average of these three numbers ie 20 + 30 + 40 divided by 3 which equals 30. The end result will be that the average percentage of cloud by day, hour and in the area of sky framed by the clouds of your meter is 30%.

All clear? Then courage, given the comments begin!

* Agronomist (expert in urban and regional diagnostic entitled International University Master's Degree in Diagnostic IMD Urban and Regional Urban and Territorial Diagnostics).


Elizabeth Intini, Garden City in Focus January 2011 No 219.

Of the project, "TWReferenceNET - Management and Sustainable Development of transitionalwaters protected", which was funded by the INTERREG IIIB CADSES

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