lunedì 20 dicembre 2010

At Christmas, in Salento Lecce, you can!

At Christmas, in Salento Lecce, you can!

Antonio Bruno *

In the early years of the 900 in Salento Lecce in Italy and there were fraud such as those described in the book of great Agronomist, Italo Giglioli "fertilizers, feed, seed and pesticide substances Commerce, fraud and fraud prevention" published in 1905. Fraud that were more related to the weight used for weighing packages or products that contained less than what was said to be moisture content, the quality through the introduction of the Goods good inert substances or of little value or selling substances at inflated prices that are advertised in secret composition.

Other fraud related to the mixing of fertilizers which were sold at prices much higher than the price of fertilizers, but there was fraud related to the ambiguity of the name of fertilizer such as calling a fertilizer such as phosphorus pentoxide " phosphoric acid "defrauding the buyer with goods less rich.

For these problems the farmers in the Salento Lecce in the first 900 years of the consortium at a farmers' union, which guaranteed products through chemical analysis. In 1910 to become a member of the Union Agricultural Salento enough to buy a share of the cost of Pounds 10 and Pounds 0.50 to pay admission fee.

What happens today with food, with food fruit of the earth? We carry a dialogue yesterday in Via Foscarini, 16 - corner Via S. Grande (near the cinema Saint Lucia) with a person who was there:

They were all crowded, and while there was a lot of people down the hall, the Mayor of the City of Lecce, Paolo Perrone and the President of the Province of Lecce Antonio Gabellone made speeches at the opening ceremony of the store, a lady next to me ago: "Nice initiative! - And then adds - You could not more of these products from China - I ask what he meant and she told me - I went to a hypermarket in Lecce (she does the name I will omit to write) and I bought a box of garlic that have a label that read left came from a town of Salento, Lecce (again, the lady said what country they are), but then came home and I read more I realized it was quell'aglio packaged in the land of Salento, Lecce but produced in China! "The Lord then asked me to the store and when I told them in Via Foscarini, 16 - corner Via S. Grande (near the cinema Saint Lucia) commodity prices are discounted by 30% compared to the price indicated by SMS CONSUMER 47947, established by the Ministry of Agriculture, the lady went into raptures!

I do not know whether the behavior of the distributor of the pack of garlic, described by the lady of yesterday can be described as "fraud", it is certain that the information contained on the label were definitely misleading.

One hundred years ago there was the need to prevent fraud in the marketing of fertilizers, today there is a need for clear information on the origin of the food we eat.

One hundred years ago in the Salento Lecce for genuine products was constituted the Union of Agricultural Salento, today for the same reason, though for different products, there is a Farmer's Market in Via Foscarini, 16 - corner Via S. Grande (near the cinema Saint Lucia).

Domenico Coluccio of Agricultural New Generation Co-operative Society of Martano del Salento Lecce I really should know that this strategy of "low cost" which means "low cost" needs to be more publicity because the Salento Lecce must be clear that in Via Foscarini, 16 - corner Via S. Grande (near the cinema Saint Lucia), you can buy local produce spends 30% less.

I was delighted to receive this e mail: Dott.Agronomo Antonio Bruno,

I wanted to congratulate you on the splendid initiative of the first Farmer's Market, aka the "farm to fork" ... only the typical products of Salento region. I have received your mail on your @ Caving Trekking Salento group to which I belong and I'm proud (I say this from Puglia lover of our territory everything from the Gargano to Salento) and thanks to them I am finding an area of my beloved Puglia I did not know.

I regret not to be opening as I got back to Bari, the city where I live, but I hope to visit as soon as possible, especially to advertise ... word of mouth via @ mail ... ect. With the hope that good news as these are increasingly common in salento, maybe it will be the right time for a group of fair trade (GAS)

Complete with email alerts through an employee as is also well documented by a little bit of time here in Bari

Yours sincerely ... and to majora!

Maria Rita Di Bari

Domenico Coluccio of Agricultural New Generation Co-operative Society of Martano del Salento Lecce think it should draw on the suggestions of Mrs. Maria Rita Bari Especially the words "farm to fork" which in my humble opinion, should be added to Farmer's Market.

At Christmas you can!

At Christmas you can buy natural food of Salento, Lecce;

At Christmas you can pay 30% less;

At Christmas you can be sure of what you eat if you go to Via Foscarini, 16 - corner Via S. Grande (near the cinema Saint Lucia).

Merry Christmas!

* Agronomist

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