domenica 21 novembre 2010

Climate change Salento Lecce

Climate change Salento Lecce

Antonio Bruno *


Increase in average temperatures and decreasing rainfall, the aquifer with less water: this is what occurs in the Salento Lecce. In this paper some thoughts about the consequences of climate change on agriculture in the Salento Lecce.


On Monday, November 15, 2010 I took part in the meeting on the theme: 'Impacts of climate change on Puglia.

Climate change is favored by the media and everyone can take note that every day by turning on the TV or open the newspaper we read or hear debates on this subject.

The problem is that we are all gripped by questions about the future, we want to know what is happening with temperature, rainfall and especially if we are in the presence of a changing climate.

The question that arises now is the man who changed the climate and therefore the awareness that climate change will have consequences on the social dynamics, economic issues, effects on human health, and are the cause of impacts on 'Agriculture and forests.

But we come to the meeting which I attended, and specifically to the intervention of prof. Piero Lionello who completed Magna cum Laude degree in Physics from the University of Padova in 1984 and is engaged in environmental research since 1987, professor of oceanography and atmospheric physics at the University of Salento, Lecce, where he teaches courses of "Physical Oceanography" and "Coastal Oceanography". Prof. Piero Lionello he first outlined the characteristics of the climate of Apulia, and then focused on trends in the current climate, in particular as regards the temperature and rainfall observed during the 20th century, and finally presented the projections for future climate in Mediterranean region, assessing their reliability and putting them into the global context.

Prof. Lionel showed a significant increase in minimum temperatures and an equally significant decline in winter rainfall, particularly in the month of January. In short, the prof. Lionel through his scientific studies found a progressive increase of water deficit in Puglia.

And the future? The climate projections developed by prof. Lionello are in substantial agreement with the trends observed and provide an average increase of annual average temperature between 1.5 and 3 ° C. This temperature rise is greater in summer than in autumn in Apulia, which means that we will have hotter summers.

Regarding rainfall projections confirm a decrease in the autumn - winter and summer, the situation remains unchanged.

I do the Agronomist at the Consortium of Reclamation "Ugento Fogg and Li" and I deal with the collective management of irrigation systems that use tapped water dall'acquifero Karst.

Data from the prof. Lionello for declining natural recharge of the aquifer of the Salento Lecce are alarming because we are all aware of the stress from excessive pumping that has been subjected in recent decades.

The scenario outlined by prof. Lionello confirms the variability in the coming years we will have availability of water from groundwater and warns me asap for more careful management of water requirements of crops, collection of the works and the environmental quality of water bodies.

The issues that will arise in the coming years for the irrigation management of Salento Lecce will all be focused on water scarcity, the potential use of treated wastewater and brackish waters of the hundreds of sources on the coast. I am aware, however, that the use of these resources requires the application of each of these sources separately to a different group of crops than those in place today in the territory of Salento in Lecce.

Ultimately my work over the next animal will be to adopt a series of strategies to address the impacts of weather, suggesting farmers diversify crops and irrigation methods that make it more efficient water management.

You can not make these changes without the involvement of stakeholders and for this reason that using the tools of participatory planning could seek to develop a system of decision support tools for adaptation and mitigation strategies, tailored specifically environment of the Salento Lecce. In short, my proposal is to put in place immediately a consultation with stakeholders, including through seminars, conferences and focus groups, in order to take into account the different needs of the area of Salento, Lecce and then make an adaptation of agriculture to reduced water availability.

All you can do as long as there are financial resources, and for this reason that I'm working on a project that aims outlined above. In my next action will keep you informed of progress.

* Agronomist

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