sabato 20 novembre 2010

Trees and biodiversity Parabira del Salento Lecce

Trees and biodiversity Parabira del Salento Lecce

Antonio Bruno *


Today, 20 November 2010 at the Art School of Parabita I toyed with the argument made me talk to these girls and boys in 1997 that Constance has validly quantitativizzato in ecological terms - economic: the ecological services produced by the biodiversity in the control of floods in soil protection from erosion, the productivity of the soil, in water filtration, purification of air, in the regulation of climate, in the reuse of urban waste in the overall productivity.


He's right my friend Rori Mason, young people are the hope! Even the hope that was realized today! This was, once again, this morning in Parabita del Salento Lecce, in art school where I gave two talks on "Biodiversity". I interview before the first, second and third classes, and then with the fourth and fifth.

Boys and girls of Salento Lecce that have vibrated with the wonderful headmaster Professor Rita Primiceri is quite clear that he put all his soul to bring excellence in the Institute of Higher Secondary Salento Lecce. Prof. Primiceri Brava, Congratulations!

The International Centre for Cultural Cooperation CICC, now I have represented, has at heart the fate of young girls and boys who represent the future of humanity.

On behalf of the CICC today with the girls and boys to Parabita has been created PARTICIPATION in which our organization is involved in an active and sincere, the actors who participated in the issues I have presented.

I think we in the CICC today we had the merit to know the consequences of an act, however small, that young people Parabita can do: plant a tree, as it will carry out tomorrow morning. In fact, tomorrow we will plant a tree for every birth in this year, a new tree that bears good news in terms of beauty but also health.

Today it is abundantly clear that the system we have set up does not work, because the resources are not inexhaustible, and we in the CICC have in mind to make the uphill road with many curves, but that is glimpsed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture 'University of Bari Prof. Savino Vito Nicola!

Today I made in the talks Parabita del Salento Lecce were alive, a round of applause after the other, a smile after another, my poor words have excited and motivated the young people present, they laughed and clapped when they heard my version of "biodiversity".

I mean they were happy to listen and participate in this celebration of life, human nature and people wanted by the Municipality of Parabita del Salento Lecce led by the excellent Mr. Alfredo Cacciapaglia Mayor and his Councillors Frank Romano and Quentin Fiore.

The CICC is based in Martignano in Palmer Square is working on the training of trainers, has developed a project proposal on biodiversity because there are skills and the ability to transfer know-how.

There is a lot of attention with regard to the landscape that is the result of culture that is forming around environmental issues and that is why the CICC moved around these problems knowledge that in 90% of the land environment is the rural landscape and the action that can and must put in place to address the wisdom of the peasants.

An entrepreneur has made Greece a Roman TV that deals exclusively with the environment, called Victor Stone, is Roman, 67, broke through and understand the secrets of the television market through the Hellenic attempt to beat the crisis by focusing on programs dedicated to 'environment.

Apulia, a good engineer. De Petro, director of Telepuglia, is doing the same thing with the opening of the issuer Telenorba green.

Today we celebrated the National Day of the tree waiting for the approval of the draft law "rules for the development of urban green spaces" and knowing that there is no solution of continuity between urban and suburban. I'm an international experiment in urban and regional diagnostic and assure you that the Territory is a whole and what is done in the Urban has consequences in all the territory and vice versa, that's why you need that face of cultural observe what is around us in order to preserve, protect and enhance the landscape.

I toyed with the argument made me talk to these girls and guys that have effectively quantitativizzato Constance in 1997 in ecological terms - economic: the ecological services produced by biodiversity in flood control, protection from soil erosion, soil productivity in water filtration, purification of air, in the regulation of climate, in the reuse of urban waste in the overall productivity.

Today Parabita del Salento Lecce girls and boys are made in the "Factory of Biodiversity" which came to life ideas, initiatives, suggestions, visions of Salento a more welcoming, especially for plant and animal species that live in it and representing the possibility of coexistence between species of the East West.

Today Parabita del Salento Lecce has revealed, in all its glory, the evidence that our peninsula is BIOCERNIERA between North and South, East and West, and is an ideal place in which all living things are the way to stay together in harmony.

Today, once again, the CICC, which has one of its offices in this wonderful land, put in the spotlight of attention of young people and educators Parabita, Lecce, Salento is the paradigm of coexistence among all peoples of the great salt lake, the Salento Lecce is the location of the peaceful and serene life of free trade who want all the people who overlook the shores of the Mediterranean basin.

* Agronomist

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